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Wealth Management

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Are we headed for a recession? Is your portfolio recession-proof?

Are we headed for a recession? Is your portfolio recession-proof?

Now might be the time to review how recession-proof is your portfolio. 

Have you seen this blog?

Have you seen the new BFM blog?

Tax update for the French

Beaucoup d’entre nous aux Etats-Unis sont en train de préparer les déclarations fiscales. Les informations et liens ci-dessous pourraient vous servir pour rester en règle auprès des gouvernements Américain et Français.

Capital gains - taxes on a loss

Capital Gains - You May Have to Pay Taxes on a Loss!

You meet with your accountant and he informs you that you need to pay capital gains taxes even though the mutual fund you bought posted negative returns. You have not sold any funds or made any portfolio changes. How does this happen?

Good negative returns funds

Good negative return funds 1.1.jpg

Pension/defined benefit plan statistics

Pensiondefined benifit plan statistics.png

Longevity risk

Longevity risk.png

Sequence risk and impact of skipping a year of retirement distributions

Sequence risk and impact of skipping a year of retirement distributions.png

The solution to losing money in a downturn is understanding a client's risk tolerance

The solution to losing money in a downturn is understanding a client's risk tolerance.png

The solution to losing money in a downturn is to stick to a financial plan

The solution to losing money in a downturn is to stick to a financial plan.png

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