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Price/Sales: S&P 500 Growth Index vs. S&P Value Index (Bloomberg Data 2020)

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Annualized performance by economic cycle (Bloomberg Data 1980-2021)

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Annual returns by asset class from the highest to the lowest (Vanguard 1997-2019)

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Liquid Private Equity Alternatives (Cambridge Associates 1988-2018)

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Percent of Stocks Beating the S&P 500 Over the Trailing 12 Months (Kallash Capital 1964-2020)

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Markets and Presidents (Bloomberg Data 1900-2020)

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Avg. Annual S&P 500 Performance (Strategas Research 1933-2019)

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Our base-case five-year expected return for the Traditional 60/40 is less than 1%

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Duration in the Agg Index (1996-2019)

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