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Annualized Returns (Source: GMO)

August 11.png

Reversion to the Mean (Source: Robert Shiller)

August 10.png

Real Earnings Growth by Decade (Source: Robert Shiller)

August 9.png

Historical Annual Return (Source: Morningstar Direct Data)

August 8.png

S&P and Barclays Aggregate Return (Source: Zephyr StyleADVISOR)

July 17.png

The high cost of investor behavior 1984-2020 (Source: Russell Investor Group)

August 1.png

Tight credit spreads show the need for selectivity (Source: Capital Group)

July 31.png

Two-year total returns: Bloomberg Barclays US aggregate index since 1993

July 29.png

Private equity index has exhibited lower volatility than public equity index since 2000

July 27.png

PE index historically outpaces stock market index in all market cycles (2002-2019)

July 26.png

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